Godly Play i Tyskland har laget denne flotte filmen om arbeidet der.
Om filmer skriver de:
«This 20′-film gives you an image about how „Godly Play» is practiced in Germany. In its aesthetical and emotional characteristics, the film mirrors the basic values of this concept of spiritual mentoring. It shows sequencies of Godly Play with (1) Kindergarten- and (2) grammarschool-children, (3) youth and (4) adults. It gives voice to children, youth and adults as well as to story-tellers, trainers and supporters. You can see various genres of stories, the four time-phases of the concept and very different room-circumstances in (1) kindergartens, (2) parishes, (3) schools, (4) trainings and (5) material making. The film does not claim to provide complete information but wants to invite people to find out more about Godly Play by themselves.»